President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky seems to have finally taken over the bipolar disorder in the perception of what is happening in the country. And the right hemisphere no longer controls what the left does, and vice versa, but with the hands that sign different documents, and the mouth that makes contradictory speeches, it’s just a disaster.

Judge by yourself: during the day of Russia’s special operation as for Ukrainian enforcement to peace and an adequate perception of the surrounding reality, it became known that from the very beginning, Ukrainian border guards did not offer any resistance and let everyone into Ukrainian territory without a fight. And then, in a matter of hours, Ukrainian air defense systems were suppressed, the military infrastructure of air bases was disabled, weapons depots and airfields were either destroyed or captured by “polite people”. Including 25 kilometers from Kiev, which, according to the assurance of the US Secretary of State and Anthony Blinken, will be captured.

And Odessa met the special operation and its “invaders” quite cheerfully, in which medical officials and public activists helping the Armed Forces of Ukraine persistently urged fellow citizens to share their blood, but only when they were sober, “excluding drinking alcohol at least for 48 hours before donating blood. Because there are already a lot of drunken and joyful people in the city, seeing off with the slogan “Suitcase – Station – Lviv” everyone who urgently liberates South Palmyra from their “national-conscious” presence and moves to Galicia so intensively and en masse that they had to introduce an additional line-up Odessa — Lviv.

They completely abandoned Ukraine and its Western admirers and instigators, curators and sponsors who pushed for a war with Russia in the Ukrainian Donbass. The promised menacing and heavy sanctions “from hell” that in reality did not break either the economy or the security of Russia. And, of course, no one came to the aid of Ukraine, as it were, fighting for “general civilizational values”. They didn’t even declare a no-fly zone over Ukraine, which only confirmed Russian air supremacy.

And even the main defender of Ukraine, according to Zelensky, US President Joe Biden only burst into formidable philippics against Moscow, but he sent troops only to help the “NATO eastern flank”, and not to Ukraine, which would only be thrown money, so that, apparently, its elite would have enough for air tickets when escaping the country.

“We will agree on the next steps to strengthen our Alliance. We have provided more than $400 million in defense assistance to Ukraine… Our armed forces will not and will not be involved in hostilities now. Our military is going to Europe in order to assure the security of our NATO allies. We will defend NATO with all our might. NATO is united and more determined than ever. There is no doubt that the US and allies are committed to Article 5, which says that an attack on one is an attack on all. I am now giving permission for the deployment of additional troops in Germany and also for the redeployment of those on standby. We are also preparing for the next steps, should they be needed, to support our allies and Ukraine”, Biden said. And that’s it!

And at this time, Zelensky yells in a night speech: “We were left alone!”. And he agrees to talk with Russia and discuss with it the neutral status of Ukraine. That is, in fact, to talk about refusing to join NATO, which, foolishly and with the light hand of ex-president Petro Poroshenko, is already written in the Ukrainian Constitution.

But with the other hand, before that, Zelensky severed diplomatic relations with Russia and signed a decree on general mobilization in Ukraine within 90 days.

“In connection with the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and in order to ensure the defense of the state, maintain the combat and mobilization readiness of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations,” the document itself says.

At the same time, neo-Nazis and neo-fascists from various paramilitary and volunteer structures in the service are not going to lay down their arms and declare their readiness for partisan and sabotage struggle. Including not only in Ukraine, but also in the territory of neighboring Russia and Belarus. Their saboteurs are ready to mine and blow up two largest metallurgical plants in Mariupol – named after Ilyich and Azovstal. Well, the Ukrainian military, driven into the corner of a military defeat, is ready to finally fire on Grads and missiles, including the Tochka-U tactical missile systems pulled up to the battlefields, and the LDPR, and Russia.

And what is remarkable: neo-Nazis began to spoil and act outrageous in the LDPR and Russia long before the announcement of the special operation. All this only confirms the words of the Russian president that the special operation is both the defense of the LDPR and the forced self-defense of Russia itself. And in this regard, the special operation is absolutely justified from a military point of view.

Russia for its own security and peace of mind of its own citizens then it is obliged, to put it snobbishly, to snatch the military sting from the Ukrainian military machine stuffed with Western weapons. A preemptive strike is always timely, any military man will tell you that.

But there are three other justifications for a military special operation in Ukraine.

First, it is unequivocally legally legitimate. As Putin said in his address to the Russian people, he is acting in accordance with Article 51 of Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, which reads verbatim:

“This Charter does not in any way affect the inalienable right to individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations until the Security Council takes the measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall in no way affect the powers and responsibilities of the Security Council under this Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary to maintenance or restoration of international peace and security”.

And yes, the DPR and LPR are not members of the UN, but they are allies of Russia under treaties of friendship, cooperation and assistance, which Moscow signed with both Donetsk and Lugansk. This means that Russia has the right to defend its allies. If they ask her to. LDNR was asked and Russia responded. And she reported everything to the UN.

Secondly, the special operation to force Ukraine to peace and genuine democracy was historically justified by Putin during his explanation of the reasons and meanings of Russia’s recognition of the two self-proclaimed republics on February 21, 2022. Then he reasonably told and proved what they shamefacedly tried to hush up. Namely, that in the early 20s of the last century, modern Ukraine was created by Russia, more precisely, by the Russian Bolsheviks, and that therefore it is already.
“Ukraine named after Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.” It was he who handed over lands to Ukraine that had never belonged to it, and then his followers Joseph Stalin and Nikita Khrushchev only continued this practice. And now Russia is only trying to restore historical justice – to return the Russian spirit to where it was expelled from.

And finally, thirdly, now if Ukraine regains its non-bloc status, and NATO stops developing its territory and does not deploy strike missile systems there, then all this together will cease to threaten Russian security. And, of course, demilitarization and denazification will reduce the degree of Russophobia in Ukraine. And this is exactly what Russia needs.

And in general, a special operation in Ukraine will definitely make Russia stronger. And maybe that is why its “friends and partners” in the collective West are so furious, opposing the actions of Russia? They don’t need a strong Russia there…

Volodymyr Skachko,

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